Trail's End Week 14 2021
The cicadas are coming. Brood X emerges every 17 years from their underground domiciles, and they are emerging here in Northern...
The cicadas are coming. Brood X emerges every 17 years from their underground domiciles, and they are emerging here in Northern...
A few months ago we stopped getting the newspaper. Thomas had already subscribed to The New York Times digitally but I was a hold out...
A day late. It was challenging to stay inside and write my post yesterday morning. The morning so beautiful with crocuses and tulips...
Now that I have had my first vaccine and my second one is scheduled in a week and a half... I find myself slightly exhilarated by "what...
Don't it always seem to go That you don't know what you got 'til it's gone -Joni Mitchell The older I get the truer this is. Last night...
Some days I wake up in my new home and feel an intense longing to be back in California where all is familiar to me and where so many...
Hemming and hawing about this next iteration of blogging... Let's try this. I'm thinking I will check in weekly to provide an update on...
We made it to our new home state. We crossed the state line early this afternoon and are now comfortably at our last stop before home. ...
Ooook-lahoma, where the wind comes sweepin' down the plain... Rodgers and Hammerstein Well, who would have thought that we are staying in...