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This microscopic virus is kicking our asses. As I was driving to work yesterday, listening to NPR, the financial report came on. ...




Yesterday I got my booster shot and last night I had a fitful sleep as every muscle in my body ached and my fever peaked at 102. Feeling...

mixed bag

The new job is getting in the way of my blogging. Where the days used to be long and languishing, they now fly by in a blur of students...


One of the therapeutic tools I use in my practice is reframing a client's experience. Reframing, simply put, is about shifting the...

rounding error

"You are as young as you feel"; a complicated adage that only my peers have the wisdom to understand. As a requirement of my new job I...



“How lucky I am to have something that makes saying goodbye so hard.” — Winnie the Pooh Finally...the cast is off and in its place is a...


This will be a short post and will likely be the only one until August. I had hoped to write about my trip home (it was wonderful in the...


I am sitting in an airport lounge at DCA awaiting my flight to, well, what used to be home. When I left California I told my clients who...

balancing act

I find that phrase to be so very descriptive. It seems like such an act that appearance of balance. And such an enigma the achievement...


Upon moving to Alexandria in the middle of a pandemic I took up an old hobby to while away the hours that I could not spend making new...

The End of the Trail 17 May 2021

You may notice that the title of this entry is slightly different in format than the previous ones. That, as you probably suspect, is...

Trail's End Week 18 Mother's Day 2021

Mothers in Captivity We are now asked to mother the world To entertain the husbands and wives and children Through this seemingly endless...

Trail's End Week 16 2021

Yesterday my son invited me to sit in on his Constitutional Law zoom class. He thought I might be interested in the case they were...

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